The SouthPark Association of Neighborhoods is a voluntary collaboration of neighborhoods and condominium associations in the SouthPark area. SPAN provides a forum for sharing information; for the discussion of issues affecting various neighborhoods and for collaboration on solutions; and for unified communication with government officials.


We are the “span” between SouthPark neighborhoods and stakeholders working together to strengthen our vibrant SouthPark community. Our mission is to encourage smarter development and better connect neighborhoods to the SouthPark commercial district. By working together, SPAN can can help communicate concerns to elected officials, protect residents’ quality of life and have a greater say in the type of growth that is occurring in our area.

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History of Organization

SPAN was established in response to a 2016 Urban Land Institute (ULI) report that highlighted the need for a stronger, more coordinated residential voice in the SouthPark area that could work with local government, businesses and developers to improve the commercial area and better connect existing neighborhoods to one another. SPAN provides a forum for sharing information and for collaboration on solutions to issues affecting our SouthPark neighborhoods. Membership is voluntary and open to any civic, homeowner, townhome or condominium association within the SouthPark area (see Member page to see our membership boundaries.) Residential neighborhoods that do not have a formal homeowner representation are also welcome to join.

Member Responsibilities

Member representatives to SPAN receive regular information about on-going projects in the SouthPark area and Board or committee activities via email or through quarterly Mailchimp newsletters. Representatives are responsible for ensuring that their Boards or residents are kept abreast of SPAN activities and to let the Board know of any concerns or issues that they would like the Board to address. While SPAN tries to build consensus before supporting a specific rezoning or a proposed project, it is not always possible as individual member organization’s may have different opinions depending on their proximity to a project or their views on how SouthPark should evolve.  When there is opposition regarding an issue among our membership, the Board may elect to let individual members inform their elected officials of their position rather than take a Board position. When there is differences in position, the Board will make every effort to let elected officials, city staff or the developer involved aware of the various concerns.

2024 Board




Board members can be reached by emailing our general information email (